Finding the Maximum of Four Integers


Inspired by an analysis of the source code of Rogue, I decided to find out how modern compilers encode selecting the maximum of four integers.

int max(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
  return a > b ? (a > c ? (a > d ? a : d) : (c > d ? c : d))
               : (b > c ? (b > d ? b : d) : (c > d ? c : d));

It is important to note that this is isolated code generation and a modern compiler could probably do better if more context was available.

Using Clang 5.0, I get the following (with optimizations enabled, of course).

 0:  39 f7                	cmp    edi, esi
 2:  0f 4d f7             	cmovge esi, edi
 5:  39 d6                	cmp    esi, edx
 7:  0f 4c f2             	cmovl  esi, edx
 a:  39 ce                	cmp    esi, ecx
 c:  0f 4c f1             	cmovl  esi, ecx
 f:  89 f0                	mov    eax, esi
11:  c3                   	ret

I will rename the code according to the calling convention used here.

a -> edi
b -> esi
c -> edx
d -> ecx

The result follows with some comments on what the code is doing.

cmp    a, b
cmovge b, a    # If a >= b, assign a to b.
               # Now b has max(a, b).
cmp    b, c
cmovl  b, c    # If max(a, b) < c, assign c to b.
               # Now b has max(max(a, b), c).
cmp    b, d
cmovl  b, d    # If max(max(a, b), c) < d, assign d to b.
               # Now b has max(max(max(a, b), c), d).
mov    eax, b  # Return b through eax.

I don’t think it can be done in less code than this.

As one might expect, using C++ and std::max, we get almost identical x86.