Minimum Window Substring
This is a post regarding the solution to a substring problem which follows a pattern that is quite common among substring problems: it is solvable with a pair of fast and slow iterators.
This problem can often appear as an interview question or as part of a competitive programming problem in sites such as LeetCode and Codeforces.
If this is not possible, we will return the empty string.
Problem Statement
Given two strings, S and T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T (with their frequencies) in linear time.
S | T | Answer |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"A" |
"" |
"A" |
"" |
"" |
"A" |
"A" |
"A" |
"A" |
"AB" |
"A" |
"ABC" |
"BANC" |
"ABC" |
"CAB" |
C++ Solution
string minimum_window_substring(string s, string t) {
if (t.empty()) {
return "";
// Frequency in the token.
unordered_map<char, size_t> tf;
for (char c : t) {
// Frequency in the string.
unordered_map<char, size_t> sf;
// How many characters we have to match.
const auto target = t.size();
const auto n = s.size();
size_t best_i = 0;
const auto no_size = numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
size_t best_size = no_size;
size_t slow = 0;
size_t fast = 0;
size_t matched = 0;
// Advance fast until we met the target.
// Then shrink with slow until we no longer meet the conditions.
// As this advances each pointer at most N times, this is O(n).
while (slow < n && fast < n) {
if (sf[s[fast]] <= tf[s[fast]]) {
// Here, the range is [slow, fast).
while (matched == target && slow < fast) {
const size_t match_size = fast - slow;
if (match_size < best_size) {
best_i = slow;
best_size = match_size;
if (sf[s[slow]] < tf[s[slow]]) {
if (best_size == no_size) {
return "";
return s.substr(best_i, best_size);